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Index of physics articles (N) : ウィキペディア英語版
Index of physics articles (N)
The index of physics articles is split into multiple pages due to its size.
To navigate by individual letter use the table of contents below.

*N-body choreography
*N-body problem
*N-body simulation
*N-type semiconductor
*N-vector model
*N.V.V.J. Swamy
*N=2 superstring
*NA35 experiment
*NA48/1 experiment
*NA48/2 experiment
*NA48/3 experiment
*NA48 experiment
*NA49 experiment
*NA58 experiment
*NA60 experiment
*NA62 experiment
*NACA airfoil
*NACA cowling
*NACA duct
*NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
*NASA Advanced Space Transportation Program
*NASA STI Program
*NESTOR Project
*NINA (accelerator)
*NOON state
*NUR Reactor
*N ray
*Nabor Carrillo Flores
*Nader Engheta
*Nahum Shahaf
*Nai-Chang Yeh
*Naked singularity
*Nambu mechanics
*Nambu–Goto action
*Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model
*Nandor Balazs
*Nano spray dryer
*Nanochannel glass materials
*Nanoelectromechanical system
*Nanoscopic scale
*Narasimhaiengar Mukunda
*Naresh Dadhich (physicist)
*Naresh Dalal
*Narinder Singh Kapany
*Narrow-gap semiconductor
*Narrow bipolar pulse
*Natalia Dubrovinskaia
*Nathan Aviezer
*Nathan Isgur
*Nathan Rosen
*Nathan Seiberg
*National Atomic Testing Museum
*National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics
*National Centre for Physics
*National Compact Stellarator Experiment
*National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
*National Ignition Facility
*National Museum of Nuclear Science & History
*National Research Universal reactor
*National Spherical Torus Experiment
*National Synchrotron Light Source
*National Synchrotron Light Source II
*National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
*Natterer compressor
*Natural Bridges National Monument Solar Power System
*Natural abundance
*Natural circulation
*Natural material
*Natural nuclear fission reactor
*Natural philosophy
*Natural remanent magnetisation
*Natural remanent magnetization
*Natural ventilation
*Naturalness (physics)
*Nature Communications
*Nature Materials
*Nature Nanotechnology
*Nature Photonics
*Nature Physics
*Navarro–Frenk–White profile
*Navier–Stokes equations
*Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness
*Navigation mesh
*Nazir Ahmed (physicist)
*Naïve physics
*Nd:YAG laser
*Neal Francis Lane
*Neal H. Williams
*Near-extremal black hole
*Near-surface geophysics
*Near and far field
*Near edge X-ray absorption fine structure
*Nearly free electron model
*Negative differential conductivity
*Negative index material
*Negative index metamaterial
*Negative index metamaterials
*Negative index of refraction
*Negative luminescence
*Negative mass
*Negative phase-velocity
*Negative phase velocity
*Negative phase velocity medium
*Negative phase velocity mediums
*Negative phasevelocity
*Negative phase–velocity medium
*Negative phase–velocity mediums
*Negative probability
*Negative refraction
*Negative refractive index
*Negative refractive index material
*Negative refractive indices
*Negative resistance
*Negative temperature
*Negative thermal expansion
*Negativity (quantum mechanics)
*Neil F. Johnson
*Neil Gershenfeld
*Neil J. Gunther
*Neil Turok
*Neil deGrasse Tyson
*Nekhoroshev estimates
*Neo-Hookean solid
*Neodymium-doped yttrium lithium fluoride
*Neodymium-doped yttrium orthovanadate
*Neodymium magnet
*Neon-burning process
*Neon lighting
*Nernst effect
*Nernst–Planck equation
*Net force
*Net generation
*Net radiometer
*Network analysis (electrical circuits)
*Network automaton
*Network synthesis filters
*Neumann's law
*Neuronal noise
*Neutral beam injection
*Neutral buoyancy
*Neutral current
*Neutral density filter
*Neutral heavy lepton
*Neutral particle
*Neutral particle oscillation
*Neutrino Array Radio Calibration
*Neutrino Ettore Majorana Observatory
*Neutrino Factory
*Neutrino astronomy
*Neutrino decoupling
*Neutrino detector
*Neutrino mixing matrix
*Neutrino oscillation
*Neutrino telescope
*Neutrino theory of light
*Neutron-induced swelling
*Neutron Science Laboratory
*Neutron Time Of Flight
*Neutron absorption
*Neutron activation
*Neutron activation analysis
*Neutron backscattering
*Neutron bomb
*Neutron capture
*Neutron capture nucleosynthesis
*Neutron cross section
*Neutron detection
*Neutron diffraction
*Neutron economy
*Neutron emission
*Neutron flux
*Neutron generator
*Neutron interferometer
*Neutron magnetic moment
*Neutron moderator
*Neutron monitor
*Neutron number
*Neutron poison
*Neutron probe
*Neutron radiation
*Neutron reflectometry
*Neutron reflector
*Neutron research facility
*Neutron scattering
*Neutron source
*Neutron spin echo
*Neutron star
*Neutron supermirror
*Neutron temperature
*Neutron time-of-flight scattering
*Neutron transport
*Nevill Francis Mott
*Neville Robinson
*Nevis Laboratories
*New Journal of Physics
*Newman–Penrose formalism
*Newton's cannonball
*Newton's cradle
*Newton's law of universal gravitation
*Newton's laws of motion
*Newton's notation
*Newton's rings
*Newton's theorem of revolving orbits
*Newton second
*Newton (unit)
*Newton disc
*Newton metre
*Newtonian fluid
*Newtonian gauge
*Newtonian limit
*Newtonian motivations for general relativity
*Newton–Cartan theory
*Newton–Euler equations
*Newton–Wigner localization
*Next Generation Nuclear Plant
*Ni Weidou
*Niccolò Zucchi
*Nicholas B. Suntzeff
*Nicholas Callan
*Nicholas Christofilos
*Nicholas J. Phillips
*Nicholas Kemmer
*Nicholas Kurti
*Nicholas Metropolis
*Nicholas Tombazis
*Nick Herbert (physicist)
*Nick Holonyak
*Nick Newman (naval architect)
*Nicol prism
*Nicola Cabibbo
*Nicola Scafetta
*Nicolaas Bloembergen
*Nicolaas Hartsoeker
*Nicolae Filip
*Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen
*Nicolas-Philippe Ledru
*Nicolas Clément
*Nicolas Fuss
*Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot
*Nicolas Rashevsky
*Nicolaus Copernicus
*Nicolás Cabrera
*Niels Bohr
*Niels Bohr Institute
*Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Geophysics and Physics
*Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics
*Nielsen–Olesen vortex
*Nielsen–Olsen string
*Nigel G. Stocks
*Nigel Lockyer
*Night Thoughts of a Classical Physicist
*Nihat Berker
*Nike laser
*Nikita Nekrasov
*Nikola Tesla
*Nikola Tesla Museum
*Nikolai Borisovich Delone
*Nikolai Kasterin
*Nikolai Pilchikov
*Nikolai Pylchykov
*Nikolai Shakura
*Nikolay Basov
*Nikolay Bogolyubov
*Nikolay Dollezhal
*Nikolay Kudryavtsev
*Nikolay Neprimerov
*Nikolay Rukavishnikov
*Nikolay Semyonov
*Nikolay Sergeyevich Krylov
*Nikolay Umov
*Nikolay Yegorovich Zhukovsky
*Nima Arkani-Hamed
*Nimrod (synchrotron)
*Nimrud lens
*Nina Byers
*Ning Li (physicist)
*Nishina Memorial Prize
*Nitrogen-vacancy center
*Nitrogen laser
*No-broadcast theorem
*No-cloning theorem
*No-communication theorem
*No-go theorem
*No-hair theorem
*No-slip condition
*No-teleportation theorem
*Noah Ernest Dorsey
*Nobel Prize in Physics
*Node (physics)
*Noemie Benczer Koller
*Noether's second theorem
*Noether's theorem
*Noether identities
*Noise-equivalent flux density
*Noise-equivalent power
*Noise-equivalent target
*Noise (audio)
*Noise (electronic)
*Noise (electronics)
*Noise (radio)
*Noise (telecommunications)
*Noise (video)
*Noise barrier
*Noise figure
*Noise floor
*Noise map
*Noise measurement
*Noise power
*Noise print
*Noise reduction coefficient
*Noise temperature
*Noise weighting
*Noisy black
*Noisy white
*Nomarski prism
*Non-Newtonian fluid
*Non-abelian gauge transformation
*Non-achromatic objective
*Non-autonomous mechanics
*Non-contact force
*Non-critical string
*Non-critical string theory
*Non-critical string theory: Lorentz invariance
*Non-dimensionalization and scaling of the Navier–Stokes equations
*Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
*Non-equilibrium thermodynamics
*Non-exact solutions in general relativity
*Non-inclined orbit
*Non-inertial frame
*Non-inertial reference frame
*Non-linear sigma model
*Non-orientable wormhole
*Non-standard cosmology
*Non-topological soliton
*Non-uniform circular motion
*Non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber
*Nonbaryonic dark matter
*Nonclassical light
*Noncommutative quantum field theory
*Nonequilibrium Gas and Plasma Dynamics Laboratory
*Nonequilibrium partition identity
*Nonextensive entropy
*Nonholonomic system
*Nonimaging optics
*Nonlinear Schrödinger equation
*Nonlinear X-wave
*Nonlinear acoustics
*Nonlinear control
*Nonlinear metamaterials
*Nonlinear optics
*Nonlinear photonic crystal
*Nonlinear resonance
*Nonlinear system
*Nonlinearity (journal)
*Nonlocal Lagrangian
*Nonoblique correction
*Nonrectifying junction
*Nonsingular black hole models
*Nonsymmetric gravitational theory
*Nonthermal plasma
*Noor Muhammad Butt
*Nordström's theory of gravitation
*Nordtvedt effect
*Normal force
*Normal mode
*Normal moveout
*Normal order
*Normal shock tables
*Normal strain
*Normalizable wave function
*Norman Christ
*Norman Feather
*Norman Foster Ramsey, Jr.
*Norman Haskell
*Norman Holter
*Norman Kember
*Norman Packard
*Norman Robert Campbell
*Noro–Frenkel law of corresponding states
*Norris Bradbury
*North American Young Generation in Nuclear
*Northstar Electronics
*Norton's theorem
*Nose cone design
*Nothing comes from nothing
*Nova (laser)
*November Revolution (physics)
*Novette laser
*Novikov–Veselov equation
*Nth Country Experiment
*Nucifer experiment
*Nuclear Instrumentation Module
*Nuclear Instruments
*Nuclear Instruments and Methods
*Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
*Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A
*Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B
*Nuclear Overhauser effect
*Nuclear Physics (disambiguation)
*Nuclear Physics (journal)
*Nuclear Physics A
*Nuclear Physics B
*Nuclear Physics B: Proceedings Supplements
*Nuclear Power Demonstration
*Nuclear Safety Research Reactor
*Nuclear Science Abstracts
*Nuclear aircraft
*Nuclear astrophysics
*Nuclear attribution
*Nuclear binding energy
*Nuclear chain reaction
*Nuclear cross section
*Nuclear data
*Nuclear density
*Nuclear detection
*Nuclear drip line
*Nuclear explosion
*Nuclear explosive
*Nuclear fission
*Nuclear fission product
*Nuclear force
*Nuclear fuel
*Nuclear fuel cycle information system
*Nuclear fusion
*Nuclear isomer
*Nuclear magnetic moment
*Nuclear magnetic resonance
*Nuclear magnetic resonance crystallography
*Nuclear magnetic resonance in porous media
*Nuclear magnetic resonance quantum computer
*Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
*Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of nucleic acids
*Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of proteins
*Nuclear magneton
*Nuclear material
*Nuclear matter
*Nuclear microscopy
*Nuclear physics
*Nuclear power
*Nuclear pumped laser
*Nuclear quadrupole resonance
*Nuclear reaction
*Nuclear reactor
*Nuclear reactor safety systems
*Nuclear resonance fluorescence
*Nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy
*Nuclear safety
*Nuclear shell model
*Nuclear size
*Nuclear structure
*Nuclear timescale
*Nuclear transmutation
*Nuclear waste management
*Nuclear weapon design
*Nucleate boiling
*Nucleon pair breaking in fission
*Nucleon spin structure
*Nuker Team
*Null corrector
*Null dust solution
*Null surface
*Nulling interferometry
*Number density
*Numerical model of the Solar System
*Numerical relativity
*Numerical sign problem
*Numerical weather prediction
*Nuovo Cim.
*Nuovo Cimento
*Nuovo Cimento A
*Nuovo Cimento B
*Nuovo Cimento C
*Nuovo Cimento D
*Nuovo Cimento Rivista
*Nusselt number
*Nuts and bolts (general relativity)
*Néel relaxation theory
*Néel temperature

抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)
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